Hearing Aid Solutions

Now Offering Simple, Affordable, and Convenient Hearing Aids!


Sontro Hearing Aids Without A Prescription

By taking advantage of the power of mobile phones and state-of-the-art hearing aid technology using the otoTune™ app, Sontro Hearing Aids from Soundwave Hearing allows you to confidently rejoin the conversation and never miss another word. You do not need a medical evaluation or prescription before buying over-the-counter hearing aids.

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How Soundwave Hearing Aids Work

Once you purchase Sontro Hearing Aids, download the otoTune app. The otoTune app is the only two-button at-home hearing test. It automatically tests both ears simultaneously with your Sontro Hearing Aids, delivering quick, accurate results comparable to professionally administered audiograms. Sontro Hearing Aids adjust to your hearing with our self-fitting technology, all from the comfort and privacy of home in just 3 minutes.

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Curious About Your Hearing Loss?

Take our free online hearing test. It will give you a good indication if Sontro Hearing Aids is an excellent next step for you.